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Tandem Savings is up for an award!

We’re really excited to announce that Tandem has been shortlisted as App-only Savings Provider of the Year at the Moneyfacts Consumer Awards 2023.

We’re really excited to announce that Tandem has been shortlisted as App-only Savings Provider of the Year at the Moneyfacts Consumer Awards 2023.

These prestigious awards help consumers make the most of their money by showcasing the very best products and providers available. We’re really proud to receive this nomination as recognition of the simplicity and customer value of Tandem’s digital savings app.

Finalists are selected via a combination of customer feedback and impartial analysis from Moneyfacts experts. The winners will be announced on the 8th February 2023.

The voting is open until Friday 25th November and you can vote by completing the short Moneyfacts survey here.

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